Tuesday, July 15, 2014


It has been forever and a day since I have been over here.  What the heck am I doing with my days?
I am working my ass off.  Did I tell you my DSLR was stolen?  My own fault.  I left in my car overnight.  I popped out to my car to bring in a forgotten bag of stuff and my camera was tucked under the front seat.  I obviously forgot to lock the car once more.  The next morning I noticed the ashtray open (where we keep our change for parking) and the change was gone and my eyes quickly darted to the front seat and yup - camera gone.  Sheesh.  So many things stolen from our carport over the years.  It can all get to be a bit disheartening. But, with all the other things going on a stolen camera is the least of my concerns.

Work is crazy busy.  New clients - old clients. New  projects and deadlines.  New things to learn and share. I am working hard on new business venture.  I am in the middle of designing business cards.  My husband is on strike.  Have I shared that lovely detail?  I am taking holidays in August and I signed up for a writing challenge.  I am taking two weeks off.... that could possibly be a nightmare ..... so much work to do in preparation.  I am reading a novel.  It has taken me more than 2 weeks and it is officially overdue.  So that is also lame... but, I am almost finished it now... so will just keep it a few more days.

It has been hot.  Last two nights I slept in the tent.  First night it rained.  Second night - not enough blankets which surprises me because it was so hot... and I was too lazy to come back inside and get another blanket so did not sleep well.

We are learning how to live with almost adults... who have their own lives but we all cohabit together.  Finding the balance of obligation and duty.  Responsibility and love.  These are challenging days.  There is some worry about my son.  Leave it there.  He has been accepted into a metal fabrication program for January 2015 which is very good.  January is far, far away.  I wish he started in September.  My daughter will be back in school in the fall and will be leaving us again.  That will also take adjusting.  Fine tuning.  Actually life is all about the fine tuning.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

hang in there... we still pray daily. ...

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